Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Official Tally

Michaela: no accidents!!
Maeve: 1
Alasdair: 5

We had chili for dinner. Does that make more diapers? Not necessarily, but it certainly makes them NASTY. They also come at very inopportune times. Like, right when we are heading out the door, or right in the middle of a pee wee soccer game. Or right as we've just finshed buckling all 3 kids in the car for a 90 minute car ride, and we're late.

Although on the plus side, the last 2 nasties of the night happened between dinner and bath time. Could be worse. It could be right after they get all bathed, diapered and jammied for the night. Then, BAM! But no, tonight was a good night.

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