Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Maeve! Now USE THE TOILET!

Michaela: no accidents
Maeve: 0
Alasdair: 185

Things have slowed down a little bit with Doodie. He's not leaking poo like he was the last couple of days, and things have firmed up a little bit, so hopefully his gut is on the way to recovery.

In other news, it's Maeve's 3rd birthday today. Still no hope of using the potty anytime soon though. I see diapers in my future. Lots and lots of them. :)

1 comment:

Mariel said...

Oh, poop. I've seen enough of it to last me 12 lifetimes! I have a post on my blog that list off lots of great alternative names for poop like "anal butter", "black banana", and "toilet twinkie". Disgusting, huh!

Fun blog.