Thursday, November 20, 2008

Okay, another belated post...

Michaela: no accidents!
Maeve: 1
Alasdair: 2, plus he was gassy

But I was so damn tired! By body and brain literally just gave out on me long about 7:00 last night.

Here's a tip for anyone who needs to get more fiber into their kids diets: Feed them greens! My husband makes this dish with chard (swiss or bright lights) and rice, onions, garlic, whatever. Basically it just boils down the greens and stalks and cooks the rice. But Maeve loved it when she was small, and Alasdair really loves it, too. The disturbing thing is that a lot of it comes out perfectly whole. And it's much more frightening than, say, those raisins or the corn that you see periodically. The greens in there just make it look nasty. But boy is it good for you!

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